Friday, June 29, 2012

Letter from the Martyrs of the Square

This letter was posted next to Tahrir on Mohamed Mahmoud St.

Roughly translated:

'A message from the martyrs of the square

The blood of our martyrs flowed here on the ground of the square... yet he who dies for his country is better to G-d than he who stays at home… and waits for the military council to get his rights… and paints (designs) his future… and determines his fate.

Mohamed Morsi
The elected Egyptian president
A free Egyptian'

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Rally in Tahrir for Morsi Presidential Powers

Raw, unedited video footage

Mohamed Morsi, guide of the revolution. Our power in unity (oneness)

Monday, June 25, 2012

Murals in Downtown Cairo

Revolution over again. My vote for the martyrs

"Triumph for the workers of Egypt" .... "Unite the socialist union"

"Revolt and liberate, people"

"Our revolution continues" (No SCAF)

"No to Shafiq"

(written in the middle is 'curse you, military')

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Graffiti on the AUC Campus, Downtown

The wall leading up to the main campus entrance

Across the street from the main campus


Friday, June 22, 2012


"Campaign to save Egypt from the remnants (of the regime)"